Sunday, February 15, 2009

As promised...

Here is the second bracelet! I am a purple kind of girl so I just HAD to make a purple one! I had a hard time getting the pictures to show the right colors but I used Lavendar Lace Ink, the Serendipity Stamp Set and the Purple Rhinestones from the Ice Circles pack... WOW! It looks great in real life!

Did you ever have one of those moments where you just had no idea how it would turn out and "it" turned out great? Well this is one of my times! I feel the need to make a bunch of these but... I am going to resist for a bit... LOL *looks around and whispers, "'cause I have to order more Build-A-Brads, if truth be told"*


Erin Marie said...

hehe I need to order some more two. Ohh we could so do matching bracelets and bobby pins!!!

Mama Schroeg said...

That is an AWESOME idea! I love it!!!!