Thursday, April 17, 2008


This was created for my husband. He is deploying on Sunday at the UNGODLY hour of 6 AM. We have to be at the airport BEFORE 4:30 AM!!! WTF?????? Oooops... sorry, my Jersey came out for a moment there...

At any rate, this is my version of a coaster calendar. The husband is taking it with him. The calendar only has 4 months on it. The 4 months he will be gone. I circled his first day of duty, our son's birthday and his last day of duty there. He said he will cross off each day as it passes. He also told me he wants to refill it once he gets home.

I also included a picture of the cover. I colored the soldier with the dessert colors... since he will be in the dessert.

Today was a hard day for me. We attended a celebration at our son's classroom. As my husband walked in the children sang our National Anthem. Each child read a poem using either the letters from the word Leader or the word Hero. To hear my son recite his poetry from the word Leader just... yikes...

After that Mrs. Edwards played some music and we all acted silly and danced. I was glad for that part of the celebration. Now, thinking about the day, I am just sad.

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